Out of a Philadelphia abortuary comes a grisly tale of horror that could have been made in China. “Pennsylvania is not a third-world country,” the grand jury investigating abortionist Kermit [...]
We hear a lot about breast cancer awareness these days and the need for regular mammograms and fund raising for research. What we don’t hear about is the well established connection between [...]
‘Pray to End Abortion’ is the concise slogan of the 40 Days for Life campaign. This exhortation implies that it is possible to bring an end to abortion – completely. In the political arm [...]
(LifesiteNews) – The director of the Texas Planned Parenthood abortion mill where the 40 Days for Life campaign began has resigned, saying she experienced a conversion after watching an [...]
A TRIBUTE TO FR PAUL MARX Fr Paul Marx OSB was born in Minnesota on May 8th 1920 and died almost ninety years later on March 20th 2010. He was one of fourteen surviving children in a family of [...]
White pearls and white clothing, a genteel face softly made up, a thoughtful expression and fashionably controlled hair were the images chosen to promote prenatal testing for “Down Syndrome and [...]
I have long believed that Planned Parenthood frequently violates federal laws against the targeting of ethnic minorities, not to mention state laws against everything from late-term abortions and [...]
As a pro-life activist I have often been required to attend some pretty depressing places. One particular occasion which rates very high on the depress-o-meter was a pro-euthanasia rally held on [...]