NSW Minister for Women

Media’s reaction to the new NSW Minister for Women’s position on Abortion A new Premier in NSW and a new Cabinet and the sanctimonious media make sure they let their disapproval be known. Mainly [...]

Abortion and Fatima

Communist Russia was the first country to legalise abortion. It was in 1917, two years after Our Lady appeared at Fatima. The communist regime had birth control high on its agenda and with [...]

Larger than Life

When I returned from New York, the first question put to me by family and friends was: “Well, how was it?” After floundering about for an adjective, or scraps of a sentence to describe my [...]


I prefer to refer to same-sex marriage instead of Gay Marriages or Homosexual Marriages because the terms are clearer and clarity is what is sorely needed in this debate. Often verbal engineering [...]

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